26 June 2017
Louisa Strohmeier

Nutrition As We Age

Each body is different and has different requirements. As we age, our diet becomes increasingly important to help us feel our best and maintain optimal mobility and performance.

It is true that a healthy and balanced diet is important at every age, but particularly between the ages of 60 and 65. During these ages, there are particularly recognizable physical changes which should be supported by proper diet and exercise.

However, a general recommendation for healthy eating is hard to dictate as each body is different and has different requirements. Factors such as genetic predispositions, lifestyle, diseases and medications should be taken into account.

As our age progresses, our metabolism changes, the muscle content in the body fades and the proportion of adipose tissue increases. As a result, older individuals have lower energy conversion rates than younger ones. Thus the calorie requirement also decreases, which is why one requires less food. If food intake is lower, one should be particularly cognizant that what they are eating is nutrient-rich. Fruit and vegetables, legumes, meager dairy products, potatoes, whole grain products as well as lean fish and meat have a high proportion of nutrients. Less recommended are fatty and sugary foods.

Thirst also decreases in old age, so one also needs pay attention to drink enough. As a general guideline, you should drink eight 8oz glasses of water a day. Because we lose water when we sweat, more should be consumed in the summer or during exercise. Priority should always be given to water, but herbal teas or diluted fruit juices can help provide hydration. Coffee, black tea or alcohol should only be used occasionally and in small quantities.

... Did you know that traditional mediterranean cuisine is not only delicious, but also based on many healthy ingredients such as vegetables and unsaturated fatty acids in the form of fish and olive oil ...

Dietary Supplements

Sometimes, for various reasons, it is not possible to obtain sufficient nutrients in sufficient quantities. Then one has the possibility to access food supplements to prevent deficiency symptoms.

You should consult with your doctor or nutritionist. He can tell you exactly which is the best combination of dietary supplements for you to avoid deficiencies such as iron deficiency and associated symptoms such as persistent fatigue or weakness. However, you should always keep in mind that food supplements cannot completely replace a healthy and balanced diet.

If you suffer more often from weakness or are prone to falling, one of our stairlifts can also be a great help for your everyday life.

Chewing and swallowing disorders

The fact that a balanced and healthy diet is not always easy to implement may also be due to the fact that older people often cannot chew or swallow these foods. Sometimes due to tooth loss and ill-fitting dentures and sometimes also due to illness. In addition, many foods are difficult to chew, such as meat and whole grain products.

If you need help in determining which foods are best consumed in such a case, and how best to prepare them, a nutritionist can help. If your health insurance does not cover a dietician or nutritionist, often many grocery stores are providing these services.

Have you tried it as a Smoothie?

Smoothies can bring a nice change to your plate. If your chewing and swallowing problems are becoming too much of a problem, try to eat your food in a pureed form.

Although the preparation of a smoothie is somewhat more time-intensive, the result leaves (almost) no wishes open on the plate.

Sources: http://www.sunmeadow.com/what-we-offer/senior/pureed-meals-for-seniors/​
