07 August 2017
Mélanie Pradines

Should I buy or rent a stairlift?

You are thinking about having a stairlift installed. But after doing some research, you are wondering if it would be better to simply rent one?

There are certainly pros and cons to both, and as the stairlift leaders for over 130 years, we certainly know a thing or two and can help answer your questions to ensure you’re making the right choice for you and your home.

For instance, during your online search for answers, you have probably stumbled upon secondhand or refurbished stairlifts being sold online whether through E-bay, Craigslist or another private reseller. If you’re on a tight budget, this may have been an appealing option. So you may wonder why Handicare doesn’t offer refurbished solutions as an affordable option.

Quite simply, everyone and every home is unique, so your stairlift and installation should be as well! We pride ourselves in not providing “one size fits all” solutions. Instead, we offer a wide variety of features, options and styles, ensuring that your personal needs are met and that each stairlift fits snugly and compactly on your staircase as to not disrupt your home’s normal use of the stairs.

One of Handicare's promises is to provide you with a tailor-made solution that enables your mobility. To do this, a certified Handicare dealer will visit your home for a free assessment of your staircase. Using a proprietary 3D photo system, the dealer will take some images of your staircase that will allow him or her to not only obtain precise measurements, but be able to show you instantly how the stairlift will look once installed in your home. Then together, you and your dealer can design the lift that’s best for you and your family, ensuring the options meet your needs and the colors match your décor.

But, what about renting?

While many of our certified dealers provide rental stairlifts, providing you with a more affordable unit, keep in mind that not all staircases are equal. Therefore, their stock of rental units may not fit your home’s staircase. This is particularly true when it comes to curved units, which are typically used on staircases with a landing or multiple floors. These more complex designs lend themselves to more customized units, which usually cannot be repurposed between homes.

At Handicare, safety is our #1 priority. By providing you with a custom made solution that was built to meet your personal needs and home’s architecture, we optimize quality and safety while helping you to regain your independence!