06 August 2020

Now available: Zero intrusion for the Handicare 1100

Our latest stairlift innovation, the Handicare 1100, is now available with a special option making the stairlift even more desirable. This slimline stairlift rail can now be equipped with the unique ‘zero intrusion’.

This option is a good solution for homes with a door at the top of the stairs. Or where the stairlift could be a possible tripping hazard at the top of the stairs.  

Zero intrusion: the solution where stairs finish at the door

The zero intrusion option is designed for homes where stairs finish at the door. There is no overrun at the top of the stairs. You can safely get on and off the landing without needing to step on or off the footplate.

Interested in the 1100 and its unique option?

Contact us for a free of charge advice and get yourself informed about the solutions for your staircase.

Handicare 1100 with zero intrusion option