Even when I got better, I didn’t want to lose my stairlift!

Mia Otten, the Netherlands tells:

trapliftervaring_mevrouw_otten.jpg For several years, I was battling serious heart issues, but I was at least mobile. Suddenly without warning, my health became much worse. It deteriorated to the point where I couldn’t even walk 10 yards or climb the stairs. This severly inhibited my ability to enjoy and access my home.

As soon as I was restricted to one floor, I contacted Handicare about a stairlift. Within a few weeks, it was measured, designed and installed in my home, perfectly customized to my needs. Now, I can continue to sleep in my own bed with my husband while still using the bathroom upstairs.

As for my health, fortunately that has changed more positively as well. I received a new donor heart and no longer need to use the stairlift to climb the stairs. However, we love it so much we haven’t had it uninstalled. It helped me in my time of need that I don’t want to see it go, but also think it’s a good backup to have. While I hope it is a long time before we need to use it again, understanding its benefits, we couldn’t imagine living without it should something happen to us. So instead, we allow the grandchildren to use it when they stay with us.